+27 63 284 2082 info@renewableenergy.com




About the Indaba Renewable Energy

What makes the Renewable Energy and Technology Indaba stand out from other events?
The RETI’s format is very interactive and engaging with the participants of the indaba. RETI is focused on both hardware (technologies) and software (legislation & governance) issues in the renewable energy deployment on the African continent.

It offers exhibition stalls for vendors that might include technology companies, contractors, and consultants from the environment and energy sectors. It offers ‘talk’ sessions with questions and answers sessions led and facilitated by leaders in the civil, private, and public sectors.


It offers workshops that are led and facilitated by civil society and public sector leaders-
Workshops led by civil society members-including community leaders- might highlight important participatory governance issues that have to be heeded by project developers (investors) and their contractors (engineers & project managers) and consultants (environmental & stakeholder engagement experts).

This can aid social/public acceptance of renewable energy technology deployment by local/surrounding communities-evidence from all over the world suggests that this an important issue with dire consequences if not executed properly.

Workshops led by government and state-owned agencies might highlight the important legislation and associated trends (or changes/adjustments) that governs the deployment of renewable energy technology. This can guide the compliance of renewable energy project developers.

Who are the participants of the Renewable Energy and Technology Indaba?

RETI is a multi-stakeholder environment with players from three primary sectors including:

Sector Stakeholder Role
Civil society Traditional leaders Local community representatives
Political leaders
Religious leaders etc.
Private sector Financial institutions Investors
Contractors Constructors
Consultants Compliance
Public sector Government representatives Legislators
SoE managers Investors
Government agencies Regulators


Which innovations does Renewable Energy and Technology Indaba exploit to the benefit for participants?

RETI is founded by young Black Africans that are familiar with the use of modern media platforms including social and electronic media


Electronic (broadcast) media:

  • RETI intends on partnering with a leading broadcast media houses in South Africa and abroad in order to reach a local and an international audience,


Social media:

  • RETI will use popular social media as participation platforms on which participants can share their experiences, locate potential business partners, track daily events at the indaba, and share memories such as pictures and so forth.